Thursday, August 17, 2006

Fun fact...

I found out today from my apple juice (under the lid, that is. I didn't think my juice was talking to me) that the average person spends two weeks of their lifetime waiting for traffic lights to change. I wasn't very happy about that thought, it's a pretty big waste of two weeks. Then I remembered not long ago I discovered that the average person spends two weeks of their lifetime kissing. Ok, you got me, I didn't just casually remember that, I have the lid blu-tacked to my computer screen. Anyway, it got me thinking. If I spend as much time as I can kissing whilst waiting at traffic lights then I can decrease on the time wasted waiting for traffic lights and increase time spent kissing. Yeah, I know, you wish you thought of it first.


Paul said...

Depends who you're kissing.

I'm not sure whether there's much difference between kissing indescriminantly and being in a district with lots of red lights.

Carris said...

yes, it certainly does depend on WHO you are kissing! Janelle, the more and more i read your blog the more and more i see your wild side:P It isn't always a bad thing so dont worry.
I wonder if that fact is true for wodonganarians??? ( thats what i call people from wodonga... or wodongaites) Coz we only have like 3 traffic lights in the whole town...:P lol. However, just a 10 minuet car ride interstate and there is albury with zillions of them...
hmm.. interested. And who is classed as the average person?? who knows...

Lance said...

Kissing at traffic lights is fun...I also like to pick my nose, which is another thing you can do to avoid wasting that precious time.

I find it hard to believe that statistic anyway, I doubt very much that the billions of people in Africa, Asia and South America who have never even seen a traffic light would have been factored in to that equation.

I'd be interested to see the stat on how long we spend going to the toilet...brings a whole new meaning to wasting time...

Anonymous said...

hehe don't forget that 1 hour of kissing burns 36 calories or something like that LOL so two weeks of kissing...that's 336 hours so that's a total of 12096 calories burnt. Whoa! We'll be pretty thin after that :)