Monday, August 21, 2006

A bit of blah blah...

It's an exciting lead up to Stephanie's uni ball which I am attending on Friday night. The preparation for the evening spans over the entire week beforehand. Luckily, I bought my dress a good couple of weeks ago which is obviously the most integral part of the overall endeavour so that takes a bit of pressure off. Aside from that, Friday night I went shoe shopping and came out with additionally a matching handbag and diamonte bracelet. As my grandfather would say, I am a sucker for a salesman, or saleswoman in this case. This is totally going off on a tangent here but all it takes is showing a little interest in your customer and instead of walking out with the bare minimim you could end up selling them two things they didn't even plan on buying. So all those bitchy, stuck up, totally unhelpful and uninterested sales girls out there should think about that one. Anyway, so that was Friday night, then Saturday I did a trial balance, I mean, um, a trial run (yeah I know, only amusing myself with that one) on my hair. I'm glad that I did, cos what I set out to do didn't quite work so I've scratched that idea and am going with something else. You do not want to be trying something new an hour before you've gotta leave and find it's a flop and then have to begin something else. I'm actually going as far as chucking a sickie on Friday so that I have the entire day to get ready. This will involve getting up at 9 to make the *cough cough* I'm not feeling well today phone call, then showering and washing hair after a light brekky, painting nails, packing bag for overnight stay, hair styling (depending on what that turns out to be), applying make-up, putting on dress and departing at quarter to 6pm. (It doesn't sound like a lot to do but yeah it'll probably take the whole day) Then I'm off to Steph's house where we will leave shortly after my arrival to proceed to the venue. Usually I would complain about guys having less to do, like just having to throw on a suit, do their hair and that's it but I actually enjoy all the planning and preparation almost as much as the actual evening, it's half the fun. And let's face it, we all like to feel pretty.


Paul said...

How much will you pay me not to email a link to this post to your boss?

Carris said...

Oh paul is evil... I do question however if it really will take all day to get ready, then again i have seen your nightly routins in action, and they took long enough... :P you'll have to take photo's on the night and send me one so i can see you looking even more beautiful than you already are.
i hope the night goes all according to plan, have a blast!

Janelle said...

Carris, all I have to say is...

Anonymous said...

Do it PAUL....DO IT!!

You know you want some revenge for the (supposedly admirable) act of your sister attempting to bring your caffeine triumph to an end.