Wednesday, December 13, 2006

My new leaf...

This week I had a client meeting at 9am on Monday morning so I had to get up at 6:30am (like I'm supposed to) to ensure that I was at work on time (8:45am) ready for the meeting. See, usually my alarm goes off at 6:30am, I hit the snooze button once...then again...and again...until it's about 7am. It's a real battle for me to get up in the mornings. It takes me the full half hour to talk myself into it. "Ok Janelle, you're about to get, two, three...nah, just five more minutes." When I have eventually gotten out of bed and spent way too long in the shower I usually leave my house around quarter past 8. This is no where near enough time to get to work by 8:45am so I usually rock up somewhere between 9 and quarter past 9. I wasn't always doing that. I used to be on time every day, sometimes even early but in the last few months I've begun to run out of steam and started to become later and later every day.
Anyway, this Monday morning I made it to work by 8:30am and felt quite good about my achievement. (I rewarded myself for my fantastic effort with a Macca's hash brown.) I didn't have to walk from the train station at a pace where I felt like my legs might fall off or try and sneak into my cubicle undetected. I walked into the office, had a leisurely chat with a few people, checked some emails, prepared for my meeting and it was nice to not feel so rushed for once. So, I am now turning over a new leaf. Trying to get to work on time. I'll admit, this is no easy task for me, I am late everywhere I go, it's genetic. But so far, it's been going well.
Take today for example. I don't run to catch the train. If it's gonna go, it can go. I would rather be late than have to run. But, in accordance with my new leaf, I made an exception and gave it my best shot. Still half asleep and wearing heels, I ran my little heart out. I made it too. Just in time. The doors were closing and making that beep beep beep noise as I jumped on the train. Excellent timing! As a result, I was only five minutes late for work instead of 25. Yep, I'm just taking it a day at a time.


Anonymous said...

Tomorrow I might be late to work for the first time ever.

But as us accountants know, there really is no late :-P. Just work back 15 minutes, then shift a couple of units from yesterdays timesheet over when you're least that's my strategy for the morning hahaha

Anonymous said...

I hate being late. But I'm like you. That whole pressing snooze on your alarm thing.

There is nothing better than being early to something...

Anonymous said...

lateness is NOT an option. you late you die!