Friday, December 08, 2006

The Controversial Zone II

Yesterday morning as I was on my way into work , there happened to be two young men coming towards me. I had almost reached the office building when one of the men, too busy blatantly staring at me and grinning, tripped over the front step. As I passed by them the other young man said to me with a smile, "Excuse my friend, he has trouble walking around pretty girls." I smiled back and continued into the building. By the time I got to the lifts I couldn't help but giggle as I replayed the incident over in my head. Good times, good times.
The other day I was telling my dearest and favourite brother, Pauly about another incident that occurred a couple of weeks ago. I was driving down Mount Alexander Road when I noticed two teenage boys approaching a pedestrian crossing. I stopped to let them walk across, they hesistated so I gave them a little wave to let them know I wasn't gonna run them over. As they crossed one of them smiled and continually waved at me with his friend pulling at his sleeve until he had reached the other side. I just shook my head and laughed. When I told this story to Paul, he asked me when I was going to stop enjoying attention from the opposite sex. Come on, that is one of THE most ridiculous questions I've ever heard. The answer is NEVER. I made some comment about it being flattering and Paul said it shouldn't be flattering because they don't know me at all, they are just reacting to my appearance. Well, duh! That's the point. He also said something about how it's the same when someone trys to pick you up in a bar; they don't know you, they're just going by your looks. I don't think that's unreasonable though. Let's face it, your appearance is what always initially attracts a person. I'm not saying beauty is everything, I mean, you're gonna need more than a pretty face to sustain someone's attention. And everyone has their different idea of what beauty is anyway. But you can't get to know someone if you don't talk to them and you're not going to approach someone who you don't find attractive. End of story.
On a side note, the saying you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover...true. But I haven't voluntarily read a book in my life that I didn't pick up because the front cover caught my eye. Yeah, I've probably missed out on reading some good books but if you're going to write a great book, why not put the effort in to slap a nice cover on the front? Do you want people to read your book or not? To say, "My book is a best-seller, I shouldn't need a nice cover to get people to read it" is just pure laziness.


Anonymous said...

you rock

Anonymous said...

this post is why i love you

Anonymous said...

Great entry. I love it.

It's true about the whole attraction thing...

In saying that though... you could know someone that you aren't attracted to AT ALL, but over time attraction grows and you fall in love. Give it 2 years. Haha, well, at least... that's what happened to me...

Boron said...

or oppersite louise.
you have attraction to person for years and you finally get guts to act, and as you start to know them on romantic level, you learn you not like them after all. and it was all just some perfect image you had created yourself of what you hoped that person would be, but thats not them at all. that happen to me.
janelle blog more please.