Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The advantages of being a woman...

  • You're always given the opportunity to enter and exit the elevator first
  • Doors are opened for you
  • Drinks are bought for you
  • The Blockbuster video guy waves your late DVD fine
  • The petrol station guy gives you discount even though your Safeway staff discount card has expired
  • If something is broken you can easily find a man to fix it, or at least try to fix it
  • If you drop something someone will pick it up for you
  • Never having to do any heavy lifting
  • Never having to hurt your hand opening a jar or bottle
  • If you can't be bothered walking, someone will carry you
  • You get to eat the last chocolate biscuit
  • You rarely have to drive anywhere
  • People will eat the food you've cooked even if it tastes bad
  • If you want a McDonald's Oreo McFlurry at 10:30 at night someone will go out and get it for you
  • You are automatically already a better dancer than most guys
  • You can wear a skirt or pink and spend time on your hair without being called 'gay' or a 'metro'
  • You don't feel shame in reading a manual or instructions and therefore don't waste time "working it out for yourself"
  • If you're short you can wear high heels to make you taller
  • You can cry during movies

Now for some disadvantages:

  • You can't pee outdoors (Well, you can but it's a bad idea)

1 comment:

Paul said...

Let the McFlurry go Janelle. Let it go. It's just an icecream.