Sunday, April 29, 2007


  1. It looks great on the rack, but once you get it to the changeroom and try it on, it doesn't look as good as you thought. (You prefer to just look at it on the hanger)

  2. Wandering around on your lunch break you see something that looks hot but can't afford it right now. To your disappointment you return later to find it's unavailable.

  3. You buy it, take it home, wear it around for awhile but quickly get over it when you discover it has many flaws.

  4. It looks great but they don't have it in your size. You make a few calls, find one over the other side of town then question whether it's worth the trouble.

  5. It's totally your style but the colour just doesn't suit you.

  6. You fall in love with it but it doesn't really fit that well. You get it anyway figuring with a few accessories you could probably pull it off.

  7. You buy it but by the time you get home it doesn't excite you anymore. It hangs at the back of your wardrobe for when you have nothing better to wear.

  8. It's not really your thing but the "sales assistant" convinced you it was a great buy. You never cut the tag off and end up returning it to get your money back.

  9. Your mum picks one out for you and has it laid out on your bed when you get home. Unfortunately, her taste leaves much to be desired. You find it utterly repulsive and dump it at the nearest Brotherhood bin.

  10. After hours of shopping you finally spot a hot one in the window of a store you wouldn't normally go into, just waiting for you to walk past. When you put it on it fits perfectly and makes you feel beautiful. (Awww, vomit. Hehehe.)

Copyright 2007 Janelle & Stephanie


Anonymous said...

Hehehehehe. I think we have too much free time. We're freakin' hilarious though aren't we? hahahahahahahahaha

Anonymous said...

11. You decide to stop looking for the perfect top and instead enlist the services of the Personal Shopper who knows every top in every store across the entire world - past, present and future.

Instead of pinning your hopes on the unlikely chance that the unexpected top that you found (see #10) would be anything more than another passing fad, you surrender your own ideas of fashion and ask the Shopper to choose for you, trusting that the Shopper knows best.

The Shopper is delighted to finally receive your request. Ecstatic to have been given such an important task, and eager to release you from the burden of the bag of dirty laundry you currently drag around with you, the Shopper sets to work.

Eventually, in the perfect time at the perfect place, the Shopper locates for you not just a top that looks good and makes you feel beautiful - for these are but fleeting emotions that change for different articles of clothing all the time.

The Shopper finds for you a top that was made for you all along. A top that's designed from a fabric that only the Shopper could find, which will grow with you over time, not just look great in the short term.

The Shopper's top can be worn in all conditions. As long as you care for it and invest time in learning how to mould yourself into it and it to you, for the best fit.

Fashion is all well and good. But if you want the perfect top, you may as well go the whole way.

Shop til you drop. ;)

Janelle said...

What would you know, Doodle-brain? Like you ever shop. The last five times I've seen you, you've been wearing the same thing. Stop ruining my blog with your nonsense!

Anonymous said...

Ah Paul...I knew it wouldn't be long before you graced Nellie's blog with your (cough) words of wisdom. :P Shop till I drop? Bring it on! The best fun is in the browsing, not the final purchase. ;)

Anonymous said...

If you browse for too long, you'll come back and find that all the good ones have already been snapped up.

Janelle said...

SUPPLY & DEMAND, Paul. Fundamental economic principle.

Anonymous said...


Meika said...

whats that joke about the woman who goes shopping for a man, and goes up each level with the promise of something better... and in the end she ends up outside because she wanted to keep finding something perfect...?

Janelle said...

OK, relax. It's nice that you've all given it so much deep thought but really it was simply intended to be a bit of a laugh. So learn to lighten up people! Not everything is meant to be taken so damn seriously...

Anonymous said...

It was midnight on a Friday night and raining outside...we were bored.

Anonymous said...

Joke or otherwise, rainy friday night or not, whatever....The fact remains that this is quite possibly the most disgraceful and disturbing blog I have ever seen. And I've seen quite a few in my time. There's no getting out of this one Janelle. Just quit digging that hole, it's only getting deeper.

Anonymous said...

The response this blog entry has created is remarkable. I won't defend the entry because it will be like talking to a brick wall. However, Janelle's an awesome chick and doesn't deserve to be personally attacked by her blog readers. Quite frankly these tasteless comments are ruining her blog. So if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all.

Janelle said...

I'm not trying to get out of anything. I stand by my post...down to every last syllable.

Vic said...

You're the smartest womanin the world!!! Loved the analogy!