It was Saturday night. I was jumping on my bed, dancing in my underwear to Powderfinger's (Baby I've Got You) On My Mind when my phone rang. It was my very best friend Stephanie. She had just finished up a day at work. "How was it?" I asked. "Yeah, ok." she replied and we joked about annoying customers. "So..." I said, getting down to business, "What do you wanna do tonight?" After a quick analysis we concluded that we both had some energy to burn, no pressing engagements to prevent post night out recovery and the weather was looking pretty good considering how cold it had been lately. The answer became blatantly obvious...time to head into the city. I immediately got dressed, threw some stuff for an overnight stay into the car and headed over to Steph's to group for departure.
I love going out. The music, the lights, the dancing, the drinks, the seductive little stares, the flirtatious, witty banter, the random pashing. It's all part of an atmosphere that you can't find anywhere else. Add to that the fun of getting all dolled up and the hilarious conversations on the way home in the car and you have the most fun you're gonna have in your entire life.
Above is Saturday night's example of our newly developed ritual: pre-night out team photo. These shots are primarily so later on we can look back at them and say, "Look at us there. We had no idea what was about to happen that night." Sometimes we take a quick pic when we get home too for our own "Before" and "After" amusement. I won't be publishing any of those on here though. They're generally not a good look. Hehehe.
Wow. Reading your posts is like reliving our nights out. Lol. I have my voice back! Woo! :)
You girls! As bad as each other.
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