Monday, July 30, 2007

Fierce competition...

I struck an untapped resource this weekend and all I can say better watch out guys, the next generation are putting you to shame! I've never considered dating someone younger than me and I still probably wouldn't go there but I thoroughly enjoyed my interaction with the 19 year old I met on Saturday night. I haven't been chatted up that well in aaaaages, I was surprised and impressed, which unfortunately doesn't happen very often anymore. And it wasn't just this particular guy that had a unique talent, Steph agreed from the conversation she had with his slightly older friend that our normal target age group of men are just getting damn lazy in comparison. Don't worry I'm not gonna go getting myself a toy boy now or anything...I'm just disappointed that guys more my age can't be as...charming and irresistable. It's time for the old dogs to get some new tricks!


Paul said...

"I'm looking for a nice guy in places where 19 year old boys go to chat up girls."

Maybe you need to change your strategy. Even Dr Phil says if you want to look for potentials, go to a 'target rich environment'.

If your little 19 year olds are the dregs, then fine... but if they're seriously you're benchmark, maybe you need to find a more upmarket venue.

Janelle said...

Loser, there aren't places where only 19 year olds go and only 21 year olds go specifically. You meet an assortment of people when you go out, that's the beauty of it. If you went out ever you would know that.

Janelle said...

P.S Not looking for a potential anything. Just making an observation!

Anonymous said...

He was very charming and actually treated you like a person rather than a piece of meat. It was refreshing and now I truly can believe that not all guys are jerks. If he wasn't 19 I'd say go for it. You may have to give him a few years haha (joke). I think he will make a young girl very happy because he was a true gentleman and that's rare these days. Older guys..lift your game!

Anonymous said...

thing about older guys I guess is this:

We've worked out we really don't want the hassle and expense of an upmarket girlfriend anywhwere near as much as we thought we did when we were 19.

But if we're mean to her and she still likes us, we're happy to accept the extra status we gain by having an upmarket girlfriend.

But it only lasts as long as it takes her to realise she isn't going to change us.

Trust this old dog: I know all the tricks... thats why I stopped using them.

Besides anyone can do flattery on the spot... its lieing to your partner when she's old and wrinkly and saying that she's the hottest woman you know... that takes real skill.

Ah I wish I was young and naive... I mean... innocent again

Janelle said...

Thought to myself...who is this anonymous person leaving comments on my blog? Decided...they must not be someone I know as they so blindly swallowed the bait (post) I threaded onto my hook (blog). Who doesn't love a bit of pot stirring? Then as an after-thought...what on earth do they mean by "upmarket girlfriend"?

Anonymous said...

hey anonymous, if you're so great and wise then why don't you ever have the guts to use your real name? Chicken? er i mean shy?