Thursday, January 18, 2007

Random blah blah...

Ok, so here is just some random blah blah from me.

1) Went out to dinner with my gal pals on Monday night. The waiter at the cafe we went to was HOT! And not just "Oh yeah, he's really good looking" hot. More like "He's so hot I can't peel my eyeballs away." I think I enjoyed the scenery more than Steph and Mel did. Or at least they didn't go on and on about his hotness. But I couldn't help it. He was a babe! Dark blonde hair, rugged manly muscular physique, nice and tall, dreamy blue eyes. I was overwhelmed with attraction. It resulted in one liners like this for the duration of the evening:
Mel: Let's have a photo.
Steph: Who's gonna take it?
Mel: We'll just grab the waiter.
ME: I'd like to grab the waiter. Hahaha.

2) Tuesday night was the extreme heat policy night with the blackout. Originally I was meant to be going to the Australian Open with work but that idea was scratched and I changed my clothes anyway for comfort purposes and headed to the station to catch my train in my mini skirt. The first train was cancelled and so was the one after it and then the one after that was delayed. When I finally got a train it was packed to the max but I squished my way on anyway. As I was slowly moving through the crowd I was up mini butt grabbed. Yes, that's right. At first I thought perhaps it was an accident. But no, it was definitely a grab. I turned around not being able to clearly identify the culprit but finding a group of young boys doing the "act natural" look. I didn't say anything, seeing as I'm non-confrontational and I actually found it to be quite amusing. I hope he enjoyed himself. And let's face it, had I not been wearing a mini skirt, it probably wouldn't have happened.

3) I'm 21 on Saturday!!!!!!!!!!!! Triumph!!!!! Finally I am going to my parents say...a "real adult". Even though you're supposed to be an adult at 18 my parents intelligently decided that no, that is not the case cos you're still eight-TEEN ie. still a teenager. Same goes for 19. When I got to 20, I thought HA! Got rid of the teen on the end of my age so now i am an adult! But they said "No, you're not a "real adult". You're just at that in between age where you're not really a teenager but not really an adult. You'll be an adult when you're 21." Grrrr. So on Saturday...No more excuses Mum and Dad...I'll finally be a "real adult". Which is stupid cos nothing much will have changed between now and then. But, whatever.


Janelle said...

That waiter should come with his own extreme heat policy! Yeah, I crack myself up!

Anonymous said...

thats aweful janelle.
life starts at 21, they say. but the reality is at 21 life ends. life starts heading downhill. at first it seems good cause you have a really neato party and everythings rocking and you go cool, look at all my friends and family, lifes great. and then...everything seems abit harder. you start putting on weight and think to yourself, oh no, i can't eat junk without gaining anymore. the financial burdens of being alive become more apparent. people look at you as thought your so much older and wiser and expect you to make something of yourself. oh my, don;t believe the 19 y/o's who wanna be 21. your prime is over. 21's when you start preparing for your livlyhood to decline, and the elephant starts to make his way to the graveyard. but happy birthday all the same.

Anonymous said...

whatever warren. i reckon 21st is great.

Carris said...

Janelle is gonna grow up and be a big girl! haha.
some day i'll be 21... HA
I'll be sure to send you a msg on your big day. But incase i forget.. Just read this again. Your so beautiful. love you heaps.
P.S, i move to melbourne in 3 and a half weeks!!! Ahhh

Anonymous said...

First of all...Cheer up Warren! I haven't found 21 to be that bad..yet. Although I don't really have too many debts or responsiblities. Second... Janelle you should be a comedian. And happy 21st munchkin. Now i don't feel like the oldie anymore!

Anonymous said...

oh yeh nel was really focused on this waiter...she didn't even realise when he'd left to go home. Needless to say she was crushed. I have a funny feeling we'll be going back soon lol and yes nellie...i noticed him too :)

Paul said...

Next time you describe a hot waiter, try to put something in the description so that I can't say "sounds like me"... coz really when you think about it... my manly, muscular physique with blonde hair and dreamy blue eyes... people could start getting a bit confused.

I can't believe you didn't give your dear old brother credit for going out of his way to pick you up from the station on the Tuesday night. How rude!

And as for the 21 thing... it's about time you grew up, kid sister.

Anonymous said...

2 and 1/2 weeks and it's party time!!!!! There better be cake! :)