Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Janelle vs. The Assignment

Well, it's been a week since my last post and I probably shouldn't even be posting now either. My one and only uni assignment for the year is due on Monday and I haven't even really started it yet. It's 5000 words (being the minimum requirement) on the different types of business structures and their tax implications. The idea is that you're supposed to work on it bit by bit throughout the year and not try and squeeze it all into the three days before it's due. However, what kind of nerd would actually do that? After working for a full week I've got far better things to do with my time than immerse myself in some more accounting.
So, now the deadline looms and I've already gone through several phases of feeling for this piece of ASSessment. Up until Monday of this week I was calm, cool, collected and rather casual about it. Then it actually hit home that I had less than a week to pull this off. Arrrggghhh! So, I panicked a little, started kicking myself for not starting it earlier before I realised that a week was plenty of time if I just worked on it at work. So Monday morning I headed into the office, used the morning to clear my desk of all urgent matters and then after lunch got stuck into some reading. After an hour my boss came around and asked me to get onto a particular job immediately. Damn! So, my assignment went by the wayside and I panicked again as I realised that I wasn't going to be getting anywhere on it at work. I started thinking about worse case scenarios, emails requesting extensions, days off work, me actually finishing it and then dying on my way to the assignment box to hand it in, having spent the last weekend of my life studying. I actually became rather annoyed at everything and everyone, mostly my boss. Then I took some advice from my old mate simmo and went and spoke to my boss about it. Pretty much the first thing he said was, "Take Friday off." So now I have an extra day up my sleeve to kick some assignment butt and I'm feeling like it might actually be achievable. I also have party prospects for Friday and Saturday night so we'll see if I can fit those in too. I'll let you know how the battle ends.
Something else I have been miniskirt or not to miniskirt? Yes, that is the ultimate question. Stephanie thinks no, it's definitely asking for trouble, and usually I would trust my best friend's instincts (we all know she's right) but I can't help it, I love my mini. Play it safe or take a walk on the wildside? What to do, what to do...


Anonymous said...

NO MINI SKIRT MISSY!!!!!! lol Look don't get me wrong, i'm all for showing a little leg, but let's face it, if you wear it you're making a statement. Some people can be trusted to take this statement on board and ponder it in their minds. Others will undoubtedly act on this statement and then what will you do?? Not the predicament you want to find yourself in. But, the decision is entirely yours.

Carris said...

Well i hope you win. I'll place my bets on you doing and completeing the assignment on time. And not only on time but you'll get a killer mark for it too.
hehe, well i'll hope and pray for that any way:P

Anonymous said...

Bets are open. Odds are...

Finishes her assignment on time 100000000000-1

Is tight for time but goes partying with her bestie (that's me) anyway and takes monday off sick to finish her work on time

Finishes slightly late but she flashes her smile and gets an extension

Place your bets!!!!

Boron said...

i bet 5 Euro on flash of the smile. although i never seen your smile i'm sure it's nice.

Anonymous said...

i dunno.