Thursday, October 19, 2006

For the sake of posting a photo...

This is me, Stephanie and Erin at the uni ball in August.


Carris said...

And what a beautiful photo it is! Hey a heads up for you janelle, i'll be comming down to melbourne on the 25th of november. Make sure u get some free time for us to catch up!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

of course you pick the photo where we look the most drunk...ok where I look the most drunk. thanks chicky :P

Anonymous said...


Janelle said...

Carris is coming to town! What joy! I am doing the happy dance as we speak. I've missed you sooo much!

Anonymous said...

very pretty ladies no? i think yes.
hey blue dress babe, whats your home phone number?

Janelle said...

You're gonna have to be more specific. We're all wearing blue dresses. Lol. Here's some food for thought...Who's taking the photo that we're all gazing so fondly at?

Anonymous said...

i can't remember myself. if you know can you give me his number? he seems to be good at making us smile ;) lol