Young man serving at counter + My irresistable smile = Delicious, freshly made croissant at a discounted price.
Independence week continues...A minor hiccup on Wednesday where I left my car headlights on and had to go all the way back to switch them off so my battery didn't die but other than that things have ran rather smoothly. I even hemmed my own pants last night before bed. I've been out every night this week and it's been interesting to not have to answer 20 questions upon my return. Instead, my housemate (that's Daddums) just says "Where did you go?" and I say "Keilor Road" and he says "Where?" and I say "Keilor Road" and he says "Oh".
The house is quieter too. I mean, I thought the house was quiet after Pauly moved out but now it's super quiet. No clanging around in the kitchen. Well, better get back to work and/or talking on MSN.
Oh, and a shout out to Boron. Du bist völlig heiß. Küsse für dich.
i see you starting to get the replys down pat. back when i used to at home-before i grew up!- i used to get it too. where have you been?-somewhere else. who with?- iono. what did you do?-got drunk and graffitied polly woodside. soon enough they realised the weren't getting any and stopped trying.
hey janelle.
hope your independant streek continues well. who is boron??( he posted a comment on blog that i dont understand....?)
P.S, consider yourself lucky that you dont have an anoying older brother who is still living at home scunging of your parents with no job!!! ( that of course is my situation!)
have a good week!
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