Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Burning the candle at both ends...

Ever since Saturday night I've been kind of fidgety and can't seem to concentrate on anything for very long before I start drifting off into daydreamy land. Plus, the lack of sleep from that night, that hasn't been made up for, is starting to catch up with me. I'm trying to make myself look busy at work when in fact most of the time I'm just staring at my computer screen or random pieces of paper with a pencil in my hand thinking about something completely different. I just need some time to catch up on all that has happened in the last few days. And a nap wouldn't hurt either.


Anonymous said...

john brisbane 23 big muscles
lets meet sometime u sound like heaps of fun and my kind of girl

Janelle said...

Hey John
Contact me on 0419 317 446 so we can hook up.

Anonymous said...

Lol. She called the bluff