Friday, March 31, 2006

News Flash!!!

A tragedy has occured...I have broken a nail. That's heard me correctly. The thumb nail on my left hand has broken off and is no longer a level length in relation to my other nails. This is shocking news...but I will keep you posted on this horrific event.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahhh!! OMG!!! they were so pretty too. i soooo hate when that happens. Count yourself lucky that you are able to grow your nails and not have to keep them trimmed because you work for a silly pathetic excuse for a supermarket (which shall remain nameless) and Coles ruthlessly disallows nails, painted nails, jewellery (i feel so naked) and long hair. That's torture. I may be over-reacting but i've been sittin at this computer for a while and felt like venting. it was either that or the computer gets it.