Friday, March 31, 2006

News Flash!!!

A tragedy has occured...I have broken a nail. That's heard me correctly. The thumb nail on my left hand has broken off and is no longer a level length in relation to my other nails. This is shocking news...but I will keep you posted on this horrific event.

45 minutes to kill...

I have 45 minutes of work left to kill so I figured I'd go with the flow and answer the "4" questions.

Four jobs I've had:
1. Safeway (checkout chick)
2. Paul's junk mail run (Yes, he paid me. Mum and Dad made him cos I did a lot of the folding)
3. Jeffrey Thomas & Partners (Yay! Currently where I work)
4. Annoying little sister (I take this one very seriously and have been at it since birth)

Four movies I can watch over & over:
1. Two Can Play That Game (not a well-known movie but one of the best)
2. Grease
3. Grease 2
4. The Three Musketeers ("Champagne anyone?" "Porthos, we're in the middle of a chase!" "You're right, something red.")

Four places I have lived:
1. Gladstone Park
2. Gladstone Park
3. Gladstone Park
4. Gladstone Park

Four TV shows I like to watch:
1. The OC
2. Desperate Housewives
3. The Glass House (I like to keep up with all the serious political issues)
4. Scrubs

Four foods that I like:
1. Chocolate (Who doesn't? Oh that's right, Paul doesn't, cos he's weird)
2. Chicken schnitzel
3. Chicken stir-fry
4. Chicken anything

Four websites that I visit daily:
1. Paul's blog (even though he just goes on and on and on)
2. The ninemsn weather website (I like to know what it would be like if I was allowed outside)
3. Tax Agent Portal (the joys of work)
4. Stuff on my cat (purely for inspirational purposes)

Four things I want to do before I die:
1. Travel across Europe with my best friends Stephanie & Melissa
2. Tie Paul up and tickle him until he wets his pants
3. Become a partner in an accounting firm
4. Find a handsome young man to marry (a sense of humour is a must, non-smoker, taller than me, sweeps me off my feet, knows how to treat a lady but also has a bit of a wild side)

Well, that's it. I've killed half an hour so I'm happy with that.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

My friends...The Saccos

"They're not only a good looking bunch of guys. Their music is hot too."
If you click on the link 'Creative Control' over there on the right and go to the gigs page of their website you'll see that my friends... the Sacco boys are having a gig this friday night at the Barley Corn Hotel, 177 Johnston St, Collingwood at 10pm. I've known these guys since I was about four years old, thanks to my best friend, Stephanie, (who also happens to be their sister) and I have to mention my admiration and respect for what they are doing with their band. I've been around my fair share of musical groups "behind the scenes" and by far these guys are the most professional and focused I have come across. They clearly know what they want, where they want to go and what they will and won't do to get there. I really wish them great success and plan to stick close so that when they're famous I can sell my inside story to Who Weekly detailing our Blue Heelers inspired version of jail-tiggy at Elmhurst Park. (May I just say that Paul does a great Tom Croydon)

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Rate your life...

If you go to this website and answer the questions you'll receive a rating out of 10 for your life. Give it a go and let me know the outcome. Don't blame me if you get a crap score.

Monday, March 20, 2006


Last Tuesday morning I arrived at work feeling unmotivated and discouraged by the monotony of my daily routine. So, I turned to my desk calendar which holds sayings for the day for some inspiration. Unfortunately, I was met with this: "Early to rise, early to bed makes a man healthy, wealthy and dead." Needless to say, I didn't feel much better. I'm thinking of contacting the manufacturer...

Thought for the day

If you find yourself in a situation in which you know you have wronged another, be sure to admit this immediately. People are often quick to point out when others make mistakes, but it is the rare individual who is as quick to point out their own mistakes as well. Demonstrate to others that you are strong enough and honorable enough to say when you have wronged. Integrity will get you extremely far in this lifetime, whereas deception and retreat from difficult people and situations will not.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

The perfect night out...

I went out last Saturday night with my best friend Stephanie and we had the best night out ever! I can't exactly divulge what went down out there on the town but I can't stop reliving the entire thing in my mind. The funny thing is though that there were elements to a good night which I thought had to be fulfilled for this level of satisfaction to be achieved. However, none were present on this particular evening. I wasn't drinking any alcohol because I was driving, my hair went a bit frizzy due to the damp air, I was pretty tired and perhaps a little grumpy and I was freezing my butt off due to limited clothing. Regardless of these seemingly deterring factors to the perfect evening I arrived home at 4am-ish wanting to do it all over again. The question now is how will I ever top this night of all nights? Is every night out now going to be a let down? I doubt I will ever be able to match it seeing as it was all due to a chain of seriously lucky events and I couldn't have planned it better myself.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Times are a-changing

Well, what can I say? I'm sorry it's been so long since my last post but times are a-changing. I have started full time work and probably everyone who has ever worked full time (especially the oldies) will laugh condescendingly at what I'm about to say. I feel like my life is flying by and I'm not doing much else with it except work. I basically live for Friday night from Monday morning and the week does go rather quick but before I know it I've had my weekend and it's Monday morning once again. I've been working for four weeks now and it feels like it's been two. If I have to keep this up for the rest of my life, my life will only feel half as long.
In other news, I got my licence...finally. I'd like to thank my mum and dad for risking their lives and teaching me how to drive, my driving instructor Greg ( for showing me the finer points (great guy) and Pauly for sitting next to me and being extremely critical, teaching me how to argue and drive at the same time.