Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Janelle's Pick-up Rules

Walking back from Macca's today I was thinking about all the "dumb" things that guys have said or done to me that they should've got shafted for but... me being me...didn't. You know, the kind of stuff where they think they're being really smooth but they're actually being really sleazy. Like saying, "Hey, you know what, I've never had sex in my car." or "These windows are tinted so...no one can see in or anything" (followed up with eyebrow raising). Anyway, coming back up to the office in the lift I developed a concept based on Paul's MSN Rules. Paul has a points system for people chatting to him on MSN. In summary, you start out with a certain number of points and if you do something annoying to Paul (which, I might add, isn't that difficult) he deducts points. If you lose all your points, then he will block you. So I thought it to be a good system to put in place for the pick-up scene. All guys will now start out with 1000 points and I will deduct points for the following (in no particular order):

  • Asking me what my name is more than 3 times - 250 points
  • Asking me what my name is after we've kissed - 500 points
  • Not loaning me 50 cents when I'm short on buying my next drink - 800 points
  • Spilling a drink on me and pretending to clean it off just to touch me - 600 points
  • Picking me up (literally) and causing me to lose my shoe - 725 points
  • Licking my nose - 999 points
  • Attempting to steal my ID, ATM card, mobile phone, money and/or lip gloss - 500 points per item
  • Making references to having sex with me on first meeting and/or asking me home - 50 billion points

It's still a work in progress but that'll do for now until I think of more. If you have any you think I should add, feel free to leave a comment.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

For the sake of posting a photo...

This is me, Stephanie and Erin at the uni ball in August.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Busy Little Bee...

What a weekend! I have been a busy little bee...and just when I was looking forward to relaxing after "Assignment Weekend". Here is how it all went down. Friday afternoon kind of dragged and judging by the amount of emails flying around the office I doubt anyone was really doing anything productive. Finally, quarter past 5 came around, I packed up and headed into the boardroom for a few drinks. I like hanging around after work for a chat and to unwind. It's a good opportunity to chat to everyone and they're a great bunch of people. At about 6:30pm (sorry Warren, 1830 hours) I caught the train home and quickly changed my clothes before Steph arrived for CEF (Casual Events Friday). We went round to Blockbuster to hire a DVD and discovered that I had indeed incurred a late fine after holding onto a new release for an extra four days. Upon batting our eyelids at the young, male video store attendant, he agreed to drop the fine from $10 to $6. So, we ended up hiring "Take the Lead" which was quite good and afterwards I was inspired to show Steph some of my dance moves I've picked at Ballroom Dancing. She thought it to be quite funny.
Saturday morning I was forced to set my alarm for 10am to get up. I ignored it for some time and eventually got out of bed to get beautiful. I was heading out to lunch and supposed to rendezvous at 12:30. Unfortunately, I was 20 minutes late which threw off the entire game plan, to see a movie at 20 past 1. However, even though we were nearly 20 minutes late for the movie, the previews hadn't even started yet. What luck! The movie was "Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby." And I've decided that I have a weird sense of humour. Often laughing at moments where everyone else is quiet. And the kind of laughing where you get going by the initial joke and then stop, think about the joke and start up again. Good times, good times. During the arvo, there was a sudden alteration to my evening plans meaning that instead of Steph picking me up at 6pm for our trip to a party in Ringwood, she was picking me up at 5:30pm. I lost track of time, as it were, and rushed home at about 5. I think I'd been home for a total of 30 seconds when she arrived. I made a quick change of outfit, threw some stuff together in a bag for overnight stay and away we went on our voyage. I was on navigation and I must say, the drive was rather pleasant. We arrived in Ringwood at about 6:30 and from there we bounced from house to house meeting new people and eventually ended up at the correct party. It was an interesting evening. I discovered that the subtle blonde highlights I've recently had put in my hair, have possibly effected my level of intelligence in certain situations and Steph got hit in the head with a piece of celery. Top night. We managed to get home safely and I stayed the night at Steph's with a quality sleep. We woke at about 10am, well actually Steph woke at 10am and whispered "Are you awake?". I thought she was talking to me in my dream at first but after the "Pssst. Nellllllie, are you awake?" I realised it was all too real. And I groaned. She laughed. It turned out that what she had to tell me was worth waking up for. There's nothing like a good giggle first thing in the morning.
So, now we're up to Sunday, Steph and I got up for our leisurely breakfast and then launched straight into getting ready for the day. She had to go to work and I had quite a few things to do myself. After she dropped me home I headed down to Porky's for lunch with the gang. Vegetarian pizza with ham, no olives. Mmmmm. From there it was back home to organise my order of service for that night's R7 and over to my auntie's for her birthday afternoon tea. That was a rather brief visit I might add cos I had to go down to the church to start music practice. The practice went pretty well and so did the service. I had a great bunch of musos to work with. Plus, I honestly felt that God was working right in there too. So, that was that. Another weekend over. Often when it goes so fast and I don't get time to relax I feel like I've missed out in some way but really looking back over all the stuff I managed to cram in there. I guess I wouldn't have it any other way.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The Five Love Languages: Janelle Revealed!!!

My primary love languages are probably
Physical Touch and Quality Time.

Complete set of results

Physical Touch: 10
Quality Time: 10
Words of Affirmation: 5
Acts of Service: 4
Receiving Gifts: 1

Take the Quiz!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Janelle Wins 1-0 !!!!!

Sit yourself down cos this is gonna take awhile. Well, chances are you're already sitting so here we go. The rules for assignment weekend were set:
  • Must reach 2000 words by Friday or no going out Friday night (great motivation)
  • Must reach 4000 words by Saturday or no going out Saturday night (even better motivation)
  • Must finish assignment by Sunday night or fail co-op year (ultimate motivation)

I set my alarm for 8:30am on Friday, got up, went and got all my materials required for assignment writing and sat down at the computer. I started with the introduction which took awhile to get going but once I hit the body of the report things were flowing along nicely. I didn't move from the computer all day, except once to pee, and thanks to my mum I didn't starve, she brought breakfast and lunch to my desk. At quarter to 5pm I wrapped up at a word count of 2011, went and had a shower, got dressed up and headed out to Stephanie's place. Her parents were kind enough to drive us out to a party in Warrandyte, at which we had a few drinks and I got home at about 1am. Saturday morning I was up again at 9am and back onto the assignment. I allowed myself to get a little distracted on MSN this time but still managed to get my word count up to 4071 before I finished up at 6ish to have dinner and get ready to go out again. This time it was down to Metro in the city for Steph's brother's birthday. I had one vodka and OJ, two cowboy shots and a Smirnoff black, followed by a whopper with cheese at Hungry Jack's. Knowing there was still a chunk of assignment left to do and Sunday was crunch time I headed home at 2am to get some sleep. For some reason, even though I had planned a sleep in I woke up bright and early at 9 feeling rather alert so I dragged myself back to the computer for one last round of typing. I got the actual assignment done by early afternoon at a word count of 5163 however it took me hours to muck around with the formatting and bibliography. In usual RMIT style, I was locked out of the database where I got some of my references from so couldn't get back in to find out the publisher details etc. Took me half an hour to work out how to renew my password and retrieve the information I required. I slumped into bed at 10:30pm and spent the entire night dreaming of typing on the computer. System overload. I was 40 minutes late for work on Monday and when I stuck my memory stick into my work PC so I could print it all up, it wouldn't register. Typical, something had to go wrong. I got onto the IT guy after trying to hunt down old Pauly Pops with no luck, and all was fixed. I dropped the assignment in the box on level 15 at RMIT at lunchtime with a kiss for success and walked away feeling proud of my achievements and rather free. I suggested a nudey run down Collins Street to Steph but for some reason she didn't go for it. Anyway, thank you blog readers for your support and for bearing witness to this extraordinary achievement.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Janelle vs. The Assignment

Well, it's been a week since my last post and I probably shouldn't even be posting now either. My one and only uni assignment for the year is due on Monday and I haven't even really started it yet. It's 5000 words (being the minimum requirement) on the different types of business structures and their tax implications. The idea is that you're supposed to work on it bit by bit throughout the year and not try and squeeze it all into the three days before it's due. However, what kind of nerd would actually do that? After working for a full week I've got far better things to do with my time than immerse myself in some more accounting.
So, now the deadline looms and I've already gone through several phases of feeling for this piece of ASSessment. Up until Monday of this week I was calm, cool, collected and rather casual about it. Then it actually hit home that I had less than a week to pull this off. Arrrggghhh! So, I panicked a little, started kicking myself for not starting it earlier before I realised that a week was plenty of time if I just worked on it at work. So Monday morning I headed into the office, used the morning to clear my desk of all urgent matters and then after lunch got stuck into some reading. After an hour my boss came around and asked me to get onto a particular job immediately. Damn! So, my assignment went by the wayside and I panicked again as I realised that I wasn't going to be getting anywhere on it at work. I started thinking about worse case scenarios, emails requesting extensions, days off work, me actually finishing it and then dying on my way to the assignment box to hand it in, having spent the last weekend of my life studying. I actually became rather annoyed at everything and everyone, mostly my boss. Then I took some advice from my old mate simmo and went and spoke to my boss about it. Pretty much the first thing he said was, "Take Friday off." So now I have an extra day up my sleeve to kick some assignment butt and I'm feeling like it might actually be achievable. I also have party prospects for Friday and Saturday night so we'll see if I can fit those in too. I'll let you know how the battle ends.
Something else I have been pondering...to miniskirt or not to miniskirt? Yes, that is the ultimate question. Stephanie thinks no, it's definitely asking for trouble, and usually I would trust my best friend's instincts (we all know she's right) but I can't help it, I love my mini. Play it safe or take a walk on the wildside? What to do, what to do...