Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Mediocre Tuesday...

So much for on my way up to a "high point". I feel like absolute crap today. I'm tired and I have a headache. I almost chucked a sickie yesterday and almost again today. At the moment, I'm really not enjoying the full time work thing. Don't get me wrong, I really love my job but I'm just getting sick of waiting for the weekend to arrive, having it go so quickly, and then finding myself back at work waiting for the next weekend to come around. And it's even more annoying when most of the people that you know are on uni holidays so are sitting around on their butts complaining how bored they are. If one more person tells me that they are sooo busy sleeping in and watching day time TV all day I may have to take them down. (Slightly hypocritical cos last year that would've been me)
Anyway, luckily for me I do love my job. It's the reason I ended up making it there yesterday and this morning. I'd wake up, start to have a bit of a sook, contemplate calling in sick and then decide I'd rather pass the time doing something constructive (and somewhat enjoyable) than sit around feeling sorry for myself. Cos I know if I took the day off I'd sleep in then mope around all day in my pyjamas. I guess when it comes down to it I do feel better coming home at the end of the day and being able to make a list in my head of all the things I've accomplished throughout the day. But it still doesn't change the fact that getting up early sucks. And I'm tired and when you start the week tired there is no catching up.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

My life...

This is my life. Right now I am somewhere on the way up to a high point I think. I hit a low point last week so in theory there is no where else to go but up. As you can see the fluctivity (if that's even a word) of my level of happiness and wellbeing is somewhat frustrating.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The advantages of being a woman...

  • You're always given the opportunity to enter and exit the elevator first
  • Doors are opened for you
  • Drinks are bought for you
  • The Blockbuster video guy waves your late DVD fine
  • The petrol station guy gives you discount even though your Safeway staff discount card has expired
  • If something is broken you can easily find a man to fix it, or at least try to fix it
  • If you drop something someone will pick it up for you
  • Never having to do any heavy lifting
  • Never having to hurt your hand opening a jar or bottle
  • If you can't be bothered walking, someone will carry you
  • You get to eat the last chocolate biscuit
  • You rarely have to drive anywhere
  • People will eat the food you've cooked even if it tastes bad
  • If you want a McDonald's Oreo McFlurry at 10:30 at night someone will go out and get it for you
  • You are automatically already a better dancer than most guys
  • You can wear a skirt or pink and spend time on your hair without being called 'gay' or a 'metro'
  • You don't feel shame in reading a manual or instructions and therefore don't waste time "working it out for yourself"
  • If you're short you can wear high heels to make you taller
  • You can cry during movies

Now for some disadvantages:

  • You can't pee outdoors (Well, you can but it's a bad idea)

Thursday, July 13, 2006


Mouth breathers...If I had've had a knife if my handbag I would've stabbed Darth Vader who was sitting behind me on the train this morning. Grrrr.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

20 things that I am a sucker for...

1. Take away food
2. Football players
3. A good R'n'B song
4. Flirtatious, witty banter
5. Driving my car
6. Boy bands
7. Celebrity gossip
8. Musicians
9. A cute pair of shoes
10. A good debate
11. Cowboy shots
12. Guys wearing a shirt and tie
13. The beach
14. Accessories
15. My cat
16. Guys who drive manual cars and can reverse park
17. Karaoke
18. Hanging out, partying with Stephanie
19. Sleeping in, not setting the alarm before bed
20. Leisurely breakfasts

Thursday, July 06, 2006

The Controversial Zone...

Welcome to the Controversial Zone where Janelle makes an outrageous statement just to be controversial. The most successful comments have been those which involve rash comments about the opposite sex and as I always say...when you find a winner stick with it. So with all that in mind here it is...Guys never say what they really mean...they think we're the ones who are confusing...well if guys were clearer relationships would be a lot easier because us girls wouldn't have to mess around having conversations with each other trying to identify what it is that they're trying to get across. Mostly I think that they are too scared to actually say what they really want out of fear of not getting it so they play their little head games where they tell you what they think you want to hear. I personally would more appreciate honesty, even if it was "Hi, listen I'm just messaging you everyday and telling you you're pretty because I'm in the mood for some action and I thought I might be able to trick you into believing that I actually care about you just so you'll help me out." I would have a lot more respect for guys if they were clearer about their intentions.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

It's better now

Thanks to Auran and also your favourite brother!

Call a doctor...

I think my blog is sick!